Site infrastructure - utilities
Will the utilities of the site be adequate to support the new development?
Yes, the table below sets out the responses from the utilities companies that have been consulted.
Has site drainage and foul sewerage been considered?
Yes, based on the outline proposals, South West Water confirmed the development would not adversely impact sewage in Truro. Following planning approval further studies and technical design of infrastructure can be developed to ensure there are no issues with capacity. Details can be found within the submitted Environmental Impact Assessment (Appendices 18.2). A Sustainable Drainage Strategy (SuDs) sets out a multi-layered approach to attenuation and is incorporated into the design at this stage. This includes:-
Green/Blue roofs
Rain gardens
SuDs tree pits
Permeable paving
A series of linear channels or “Leats’
Boscawen Steps rill
The River Allen flood plain will be retained and improved within the scheme by keeping the river bank in its current location and level. Consultation with the Environment Agency has confirmed that these proposals are welcomed but it is recognised that hydrological studies will be required during the Reserved Matter application stage.
You can read the Vol 4 -Environmental Statement here.